
We work on a voluntary basis and realize our
projects with the help of membership fees, 
sponsors and supporters.
TWINT your donation

If you do not have TWINT, please transfer your amount to:

  • Bank: PostFinance
  • IBAN: CH61 0900 0000 1583 7541 0
  • Account holder: studiyo filipino, Zürich

Membership (donor)

You can also combine your annual membership with a donation. Your generous support enables us to dream even bigger!

TWINT your annual fee: CHF 100.00

Membership (student)

Are you a student and would you like to become a member of studiyo filipino? As a student, you benefit from a reduced annual membership fee.

TWINT your annual fee: CHF 20.00


Would you also like to become a member of studiyo filipino? As a member, you share and support our vision for new forms of intercultural dialog.

TWINT your annual fee: CHF 30.00